Bug #3417 | Table list doesn't update when Schemata is in "def" mode | ||
Submitted: | 7 Apr 2004 14:52 | Modified: | 14 May 2004 16:43 |
Reporter: | Joe Blow | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Administrator | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 1.0.2b ALPHA/1.0.3 | OS: | Windows (WinXP (SP1)) |
Assigned to: | Ulrich Bayer | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[7 Apr 2004 14:52]
Joe Blow
[7 Apr 2004 14:54]
Joe Blow
For a visual of this happening (if I didn't describe it well) download this screencap video (AVI format): http://members.cox.net/buddhaman1/videos/table-update.zip I tried to upload it on the "Files" but there's a 200kb limit and the video is 386kb.
[13 Apr 2004 19:22]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report I was able to repeat when looking your movie.
[14 May 2004 16:43]
Ulrich Bayer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release. If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information about accessing the source trees is available at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Installing_source_tree.html