Bug #33988 "Locked" state of the thread can be misleading
Submitted: 22 Jan 2008 18:43 Modified: 5 May 2009 9:29
Reporter: SINISA MILIVOJEVIC Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Locking Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0, 5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Jan 2008 18:43] SINISA MILIVOJEVIC
This is an incongruency in our locking code. Here it is, from lock.cc:

    thd->proc_info="Table lock";
    /* Copy the lock data array. thr_multi_lock() reorders its contens. */
    memcpy(sql_lock->locks + sql_lock->lock_count, sql_lock->locks,
           sql_lock->lock_count * sizeof(*sql_lock->locks));
    /* Lock on the copied half of the lock data array. */
    rc= thr_lock_errno_to_mysql[(int) thr_multi_lock(sql_lock->locks +
    if (rc > 1)                                 /* a timeout or a deadlock */
      my_error(rc, MYF(0));
      my_free((gptr) sql_lock,MYF(0));
      sql_lock= 0;

thd->locked is not cleared in the block starting with : if (rc > 1) ...

This has a consequence that many threads are declared "Locked" in SHOW PROCESSLIST, which confuses customers a lot.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
   if (rc > 1)                                 /* a timeout or a deadlock */
      my_error(rc, MYF(0));
      my_free((gptr) sql_lock,MYF(0));
      sql_lock= 0;
      thd->locked= 0;
[22 Jan 2008 18:43] MySQL Verification Team
My analysis was fully confirmed by Ingo Struwing. Instead of "Locked", status should be "Waiting for table(s)".
[5 May 2009 9:29] Sergei Golubchik
No bug here, thd->proc_info is reset after the loop.