Bug #33741 Long addresses are split into several lines, causing broken link
Submitted: 8 Jan 2008 16:10 Modified: 26 Apr 2012 12:55
Reporter: Sven Sandberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Vlad Safronov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Line Break, link

[8 Jan 2008 16:10] Sven Sandberg
When a comment contains a long web address (more than about 90 characters), the link is split into two or more lines. Then the first line is made clickable, so that the referred address is only a 90 character prefix of the original link. So the link is broken.

How to repeat:
See for yourself:

Suggested fix:
Either do not break long lines, or break them only after they have been made into links.
[8 Jan 2008 17:03] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report.
[13 May 2009 9:01] Carsten Segieth
It would be in general a good change to never break long lines like it's done today.

If you have stack traces or other information with long lines it's really hard to read if the lines are broken. Let the browser wrap lines if the window is smaller than the line length.
[25 Apr 2012 15:32] Vlad Safronov
I can increase up to 120-140. Table date, dumps are better with <pre> which would stop browser from wrapping. That's why it's wrapped now.

Need to gather lines length statisctics.
[26 Apr 2012 12:55] Vlad Safronov
No more hard wrapping for comments.