Bug #33725 schema-name-changes don't always update correctly in overview-page
Submitted: 7 Jan 2008 18:52 Modified: 15 Nov 2009 14:21
Reporter: Johannes Taxacher Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.19, 5.0.30 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Jan 2008 18:52] Johannes Taxacher
if you add a new schema and edit the name it gets updated correctly (in tab-editor-title-tab as well as on the tab in the Overview-control).
But when you close the schema-ed. and reopen it by doubleclicking the schema tab, name-changes don't show up in the overview control until some refresh happens (like adding any item i.e. table or another schema).
This doesn't apply to the first schema thats already existing when a new document is created - only for additional schemas.

How to repeat:
- open WB
- add schema by pressing the []+-button.
- close the schema-editor
- doubleclick the just created 'new_schema1'-tab
- change the name of the schema
- either click on the page-flash-icon in the name-textbox or close the editor and confirm the upcoming "Rename all schema occurences"-dialog.

the schema-tab for the recently added and just renamed schema doesn't update correctly though the change was executed correctly (you can verify this by reopening the schema-editor again) the tab still shows the old name ... only adding/deleting an item (table, another schema, ...) to/from the overview page finally updates the schema-tabs correctly.
[4 Feb 2008 20:52] Johannes Taxacher
still the same behaviour in Version 5.0.12, SVN Rev 2510
[22 Feb 2008 0:36] Alfredo Kojima
Im still unable to repeat this, please check again.
[27 Feb 2008 11:22] Johannes Taxacher
this seems issue seems to occur in Release-Build only. I couldn't reproduce this in the Debug-build-config.
[15 Oct 2009 14:21] Susanne Ebrecht

is WB52 also affected here?
[16 Nov 2009 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".