"[MySQL1:3307] ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)".
Unfortunately many automatic fetched values below are *not*
representative for what I want to do.
I want to create two running MySQL-servers, using different
names, mysql1 and mysql2 and aiming to different data directories,
all after the advices in the 4.1.1 manual, section 4.2. Thus I created
two configuration files, and used the --default-file options for the
install commands.
One of the servers (mysql2) connects to databases at a default place,
the other at a place stated by the "datadir=" directive in the
configuration file for that server.
Only the first mentioned was reading the configuration file correct and
created a server that was useable. The other one - allways the one
with the not-default "datadir" - seems to ignore its configuration file
and is useless. I have tested reverse order install, modification of
ports but the with te same negative result.
Under "How-To_Repeat", I giwe you all details of option files and
installation commands.
By the way, the manual systmatically suggests:
"... --defaults-file=path\filename" (backslash) when it should be
"... --defaults-file=path/filename" (forward slash)
How to repeat:
The options files are:
C:\MyOptions1.cfg -----this one fails
# Brukad version: 4.0.12
# MyOptions2.cfg 2004-03-30
# Denna fil ersätter C:\winnt\my.ini
# 2004-03-30
# Denna grupp avser server installerad med
# D:\mysql\bin>
# mysqld --install MySQL1 --defaults-file=C:\MyOptions1.cfg
# Detta skall installera MySQL som en **service** med namnet
# MySQL1 för w2k-system
# Se manual för version 4.1.1 av MySQL
port=3307 #standard är 3306
# Log-filer..
log-error=D:/MySQL/Logfiler/LogError.err # Visar fel
C:\MyOptions1.cfg -----this one works
# Brukad version: 4.1.1a-alpha
# MyOptions2.cfg 2004-03-30
# Denna fil ersätter C:\winnt\my.ini
# 2004-03-30
# Denna grupp avser server installerad med
# D:\mysql411\bin>
# mysqld --install MySQL2 --defaults-file=C:\MyOptions2.cfg
# Detta skall installera MySQL som en **service** med namnet
# MySQL2 för w2k-system
# Se manual för version 4.1.1 av MySQL
port=3308 #standard är 3306
# Log-filer..
log-error=D:/MySQL411/Logfiler/LogError.err # Visar fel
The installation commands are as mentioned:
D:\mysql\bin> mysqld --install MySQL1 --defaults-file=C:\MyOptions1.cfg
D:\mysql411\bin> mysqld --install MySQL2 --defaults-file=C:\MyOptions2.cfg