Bug #32894 Mac OS X installer doesn't check architecture
Submitted: 1 Dec 2007 11:10 Modified: 5 Dec 2007 1:08
Reporter: Kent Boortz Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Dec 2007 11:10] Kent Boortz
Running the wrong Mac OS X installer will give no hint
that the package for the wrong architecture is installed,
instead you will hit the problem when trying to use MySQL.

Also accidently installing the PowerPC package on an
Intel machine likely means it will "run", but with very
poor performance, as the PowerPC instructions will be
interpreted by an emulator.

How to repeat:
Install the Mac OS X package for the wrong architecture.

Suggested fix:
There are several solutions to this

(A) Let the package check the architecture and abort
    with an informative message if the wrong one.

(B) Only have one installer with an universal binary
    that works for any Mac OS X architecture.

(C) Make a combined installer with the option to
    create and install the kind of binary you want,
    single architecture, or universal with one or more
    architectures included. I.e. the creation of the
    universal binary is done by the installer (yes,
    this is possible without recompiling).

Note that (C) can be done by combining packages to one,
but also by stripping out unwanted architectures from an
universal binary with all four of them included. But that
is just a technical detail how to implement this
(see man lipo)
[5 Dec 2007 1:08] Timothy Smith
Duplicate of bug #32288.