Bug #32255 MySQL Administrator - Cannot create or save my.cnf
Submitted: 10 Nov 2007 6:29 Modified: 14 Nov 2007 12:31
Reporter: Antonio De Marchi Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:MySQL Tools 5 r12 OS:MacOS (10.5 Leopard)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: leopard

[10 Nov 2007 6:29] Antonio De Marchi
After upgrading Mac OS X to leopard (10.5) I could not save modifications to my.cnf file. If I delete the file, MySQL Administrator try to create a new one but it is unable to do so (spinning ball)

Server is mysql 5.0.45 osx10.4 i686

How to repeat:
Just try to save modifications to the my.cnf file.
[13 Nov 2007 9:53] Johan Idrén
I am unable to repeat the behavior you describe.

I have edited my my.cnf file successfully, being asked to authenticate when pressing save.

It was not 100% clear in your report, but are you doing this locally or are you connecting to a remote server?
[14 Nov 2007 12:31] Antonio De Marchi
I discovered that the problem was with the application itself. After checking permissions and deleting preference files I just trashed MySql Administrator and reinstalled from the dmg file and it worked. Sorry for any trouble