Bug #3206 Create table - COMMENT option - not handled properly
Submitted: 17 Mar 2004 11:10 Modified: 1 Jun 2004 0:41
Reporter: Ctibor Kohutovic Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:0.9.4 OS:Any (Any)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Mar 2004 11:10] Ctibor Kohutovic
New table screen doesnot support Comment option
Equivalent SQL command 
Create table test (
testid int not null COMMENT 'blahblah',
testname char(20) null COMMENT 'hahaha')
works and table is created properly.
(The command SHOW FULL Columns from test confirms that comments were stored with table definition)
Hovewer next time you want to alter table using the visual interface of the MySQLCC, comments are displayd in the field default value. Then you make the wanted changes and save the altered table. 
The table definition is rewriten and comments are saved as default values and running the command SHOW FULL Columns from test, you will find out that the comments properties of the table are empty and default values are wrongly set to what was originaly comments. 

I have assigned the severity serious, because user can unintentionaly change database design using the MySQLCC.
I believe that this is the case running the MySQLCC on any OS, but I was running Windows 2000.

How to repeat:
use CC to create new table  -> it is not possible to set the comment option
use SQL command 
    Create table test (
    testid int not null COMMENT 'blahblah',
    testname char(20) null COMMENT 'hahaha');
use SQL command
    SHOW FULL Columns from test  -> comments are created like supposed
use CC to alter table  -> the comments are displayed in default field
save table
use SQL command
    SHOW FULL Columns from test  -> comments are empty and default values       contain what was previously comment.

Suggested fix:
Add the Comment option field to the visual design of the table and handle it same as SQL command would handle, 
change the handling of the default field.

Feature request
If possible, add the comment property to be displayed with DESCRIBE results.
If possible, add the Alias property to the column (Sometimes the names of the fields are not the nicest thing to display in GUI).
[17 Mar 2004 17:17] Dean Ellis
Verified; thank you for the report.
[1 Jun 2004 0:41] Jorge del Conde

MySQLCC has been discontinued and will not be developed nor maintained anymore with the exception of Critical bugs.

In the near future we will release the substitute of MySQLCC called MySQL Query Browser.