Bug #31699 Incorrect parsing of server options
Submitted: 18 Oct 2007 19:32 Modified: 19 Feb 2009 14:54
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Oct 2007 19:32] Todd Farmer
The MySQL server parses server options like the following:



It appears to ignore anything that comes after the M.  MySQL Administrator, however, does not parse this in the same manner, which causes the above value to display as 2k MySQL Administrator.  While this won't overwrite the value unless changes are made to that field, it presents opportunity for a server to become grossly misconfigured if it is not noticed by the end user.

How to repeat:
Start server.  Set the following in the server option file:


Start MySQL Administrator.  Note that Query Cache Size shows as 2k in Server Settings.

Suggested fix:
Parse values like the server.
[19 Apr 2008 8:05] Peter Laursen
It looks like MySQL administrator was totally ignored due to total focus on Workbench by the GUI team?
This is a serious bug that has not been touched (not even asssigned) for 6 months now!  

Incredible and irresponsible!
[13 Feb 2009 14:38] Susanne Ebrecht
Verified as described.

It looks like a calculation mistake.

Set in my.ini:

Open CLI:
query_cache_size = 2097152 = 2048 K = 2 M
[19 Feb 2009 14:54] Susanne Ebrecht
Fixing is related to bug #31675. Becauses the problem behind this is the same as at the other bug report we will set this as duplicate of bug #31675