Bug #3154 Selecting "schemata" in "Catalogs" crashes
Submitted: 12 Mar 2004 5:11 Modified: 27 Mar 2004 15:38
Reporter: Jonathan Lozinski Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.0.1a OS:Linux (Linux (Gentoo 1.4))
Assigned to: Ulrich Bayer CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Mar 2004 5:11] Jonathan Lozinski
Selecting any database from the "Catelogs" will cause program to state "Retrieving Data From MySQL..." and then crashes with the following data:

glibmm-ERROR **:
unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
what: attempt to create string with null pointer

How to repeat:
Select any database
[12 Mar 2004 5:18] Jonathan Lozinski
this seems to be limited to remote connections not local, without the use of a socket file.
[27 Mar 2004 15:38] Ulrich Bayer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 

Additional info:


This bug is most likely fixed in the current release already. We had a bug (ie. segmenation fault) when a database contained tables with "strange" table-names. I assume this was the reason for your crash too.