Bug #31536 Invalid resultset returned from complex query containing views and UDF calls.
Submitted: 11 Oct 2007 14:42 Modified: 23 Oct 2007 19:58
Reporter: Andrey Kazachkov Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.45 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[11 Oct 2007 14:42] Andrey Kazachkov
Some complex queries containing views and UDF calls return invalid resultsets. 
Previous versions (5.0.32, 5.0.33, 5.0.34 and 5.0.36) returned correct resultsets. 

For example, 

mysql> delimiter GO
mysql> SELECT
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nId`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`strDisplayName`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_id`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_mask`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nGroup`
    -> FROM
    ->  v_hosts INNER JOIN v_host_status  ON v_hosts.nId = v_host_status.host_id

    -> GO
| nId | strDisplayName | status_id | status_mask | nGroup |
|   1 | ANDKAZ-VM2-XP  |         1 |          32 |      0 |<-- That's correct, there are two rows with `v_hosts`.`nGroup` = 0
|   2 | ANDKAZ         |         1 |          32 |      0 |<-- 
2 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql> SELECT
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nId`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`strDisplayName`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_id`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_mask`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nGroup`
    -> FROM
    ->  v_hosts INNER JOIN v_host_status  ON v_hosts.nId = v_host_status.host_id
    -> WHERE
    ->  v_hosts.nGroup = 0 -- this WHERE clause really must do nothing as both of rows have `v_hosts`.`nGroup` = 0 (see previous query)
    -> GO
| nId | strDisplayName | status_id | status_mask | nGroup |
|   2 | ANDKAZ         |         1 |          32 |      0 | <- incorrect only one row returned
1 row in set (0.03 sec)


How to repeat:
Do following steps to reproduce

Step 1. Create database with name KAVNEW

Step 2. Fill created database with provided data
	mysql  --default-character-set=utf8  --password="" --port=3306 --user="root" --host="" "KAVNEW" < kavsqldb.sql

Step 3. Execute queries described below. 
	mysql  --default-character-set=utf8  --password="" --port=3306 --user="root" --host="" "KAVNEW"

mysql> delimiter GO
mysql> SELECT
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nId`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`strDisplayName`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_id`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_mask`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nGroup`
    -> FROM
    ->  v_hosts INNER JOIN v_host_status  ON v_hosts.nId = v_host_status.host_id

    -> GO
| nId | strDisplayName | status_id | status_mask | nGroup |
|   1 | ANDKAZ-VM2-XP  |         1 |          32 |      0 |
|   2 | ANDKAZ         |         1 |          32 |      0 |
2 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql> SELECT
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nId`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`strDisplayName`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_id`,
    ->  `v_host_status`.`status_mask`,
    ->  `v_hosts`.`nGroup`
    -> FROM
    ->  v_hosts INNER JOIN v_host_status  ON v_hosts.nId = v_host_status.host_id
    -> WHERE
    ->  v_hosts.nGroup = 0
    -> GO
| nId | strDisplayName | status_id | status_mask | nGroup |
|   2 | ANDKAZ         |         1 |          32 |      0 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

[23 Oct 2007 19:58] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

I can not repeat described behaviour with current development sources, although bug is repeatable with version 5.0.45. Please wait next release.