Bug #3137 Default table type setting ignored
Submitted: 10 Mar 2004 16:22 Modified: 1 Jun 2004 0:40
Reporter: Paul Wolstenholme Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.9.4-beta OS:W2000 Professional
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Mar 2004 16:22] Paul Wolstenholme
When creating a new table using MySQL Control Center, the default table setting
i.e. the following line in C:\WINNT\my.ini
is ignored.
The table type listed in the table properties tab of the 'Creating table' window always defaults to MyISAM and must be changed for each new table.

If a table is created using SQL code in the command line interface (i.e. not using MySQL Control Centre) the default table setting is applied as expected.

The MySQL server was installed from mysql-4.0.18-win.zip on the same computer.

How to repeat:
Add default-table-type=innodb to My.ini & re-start the database server.

Right click on tables in the desired database and select New Table.
Click the table properties tab.
The Table type is MyISAM.

Suggested fix:
On opening the create table window, the table type should be set to the default defined by parameters.
[11 Mar 2004 17:15] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[1 Apr 2004 9:25] Edmund Mierzwa
Another side affect of this bug is for modifying existing tables. I had an existing "HEAP" table that I wanted to add a column to. Since the Table Type defaulted to MyISAM (I didn't notice it swithced it on me), when I saved my column change it also converted my table from "HEAP" to "MyISAM".
[1 Jun 2004 0:40] Jorge del Conde

MySQLCC has been discontinued and will not be developed nor maintained anymore with the exception of Critical bugs.

In the near future we will release the substitute of MySQLCC called MySQL Query Browser.