Bug #31263 date_format() returns System.byte
Submitted: 27 Sep 2007 21:57 Modified: 9 Oct 2007 19:02
Reporter: Sheeraz Fazal Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.3 OS:Other (Windows XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Sep 2007 21:57] Sheeraz Fazal
Following query 
select date_format(now(),'%m/%d/%Y') as start_date from dual 
returns System.byte when ToString() is applied on the DataRow.

How to repeat:
I use Fill function of to populate DataSet object and it returns single row.

ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); This line worked fine with 5.0.8 but not anymore in 5.1.3

Suggested fix:
Don't know
[28 Sep 2007 20:20] Sheeraz Fazal
I have produced it on MySQL server 5.0.27-community-nt.
[9 Oct 2007 19:02] Reggie Burnett
This is not a bug in the connector.  The problem here is that in older versions of the server (such as 5.0.27), some functions such as date_format returned its value as a binary string.  Starting with 5.1, Connector/Net will by default respect these binary flags so with 5.1.3 this value is being returned as varbinary.  We added a connection string option called 'respect binary flags'.  Set this value to false and it will behave like older versions of Connector/Net where varstring values that are marked as binary will continue to be returned as strings.

Note that newer builds of the mysql server has fixed date_format to return a regular string instead of a binary string.