Bug #3106 DBLinks - data access from another server
Submitted: 8 Mar 2004 7:09 Modified: 24 Mar 2008 12:03
Reporter: Mickael Besson Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Federated storage engine Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.1 OS:Windows (Windows NT4)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ufr

[8 Mar 2004 7:09] Mickael Besson
It will be good for MySQL to support DBLinks like Oracle does :

1 - to make request beetween MySQL databases (InnoDB data access from another server)

create dblink...
select col1 from table1@dblink;

2 - (if possible) to join MySQL and Oracle databases (maybe with ODBC)

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
[28 Jan 2005 8:09] Mickael Besson
Yes, sharing ibdata. I learnt that Clusters can do approximately this. It's a good thing.
But still no direct link between Oracle and MySQL...
[24 Mar 2008 12:03] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request. You can use FEDERATED storage engine in some cases as a workaround. Read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/federated-storage-engine.html.
[11 Jul 2008 5:38] indika Karunasena
if can link mysql db to oracle db
[28 Nov 2011 20:26] Tom H
Federated only works with other MySQL databases.  It is a very limited workaround and not a solution if you need to link to MSSQL, Oracle, or other non-MySQL database.