Bug #30852 agent update installer does not update yassl.dll on Windows
Submitted: 6 Sep 2007 9:27 Modified: 22 Nov 2007 19:39
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mer 121

[6 Sep 2007 9:27] Carsten Segieth
The agent update installer does not update the 'yassl.dll', the old version remains. So the yassl.dll differs between fresh and update:

 - fresh:  file version, 425984 Bytes, created 2007-09-06-02.43.09
 - update: file version, 393216 Bytes, created 2007-05-31-22.08.39

I also wonder why two different files with different sizes can have the same file version in the properties, but this seem not to be an installer problem.

How to repeat:
compare the files from a fresh and an updated install

Suggested fix:
no differences in installed files between fresh and update install
[6 Sep 2007 11:31] BitRock Merlin
Patch sent to Keith.
[8 Nov 2007 20:35] Keith Russell
Patch installed in versions =>
[19 Nov 2007 11:52] Carsten Segieth
OK in
[22 Nov 2007 19:39] Peter Lavin
Added to the changelog for version 1.2.