Bug #30589 Proxy test suite fails if a proxy is already running
Submitted: 23 Aug 2007 9:55 Modified: 23 Aug 2007 10:31
Reporter: Giuseppe Maxia Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Proxy: Scripts Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Giuseppe Maxia CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: proxy, test-suite, Tests

[23 Aug 2007 9:55] Giuseppe Maxia
If you run the test suite when a Proxy is already running, all the tests fail.

This is because the test suite uses the default ports for proxy and administrative tasks.

How to repeat:
1) start a proxy

2) run the test suite
  cd /path/to/proxy/source
  make check

Suggested fix:
using the PROXY_PORT variable does not help, because the administrative port will clash.

You should apply this patch to run-tests.lua.

# --- cut here
< local PROXY_PORT     = os.getenv("PROXY_PORT")     or "4040"
> local PROXY_PORT     = os.getenv("PROXY_PORT")     or "14040"
> local ADMIN_PORT     = os.getenv("ADMIN_PORT")     or "14041"
> 		["admin-address"]           = PROXY_HOST .. ":" .. ADMIN_PORT,
# --- cut here
[23 Aug 2007 10:31] Giuseppe Maxia
Fixed in revision 160