Bug #3048 SQL studio cannot execute sql statements that more than one
Submitted: 2 Mar 2004 21:34 Modified: 29 Oct 2004 8:19
Reporter: mirage chen Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MaxDB Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:7.5 OS:Windows (windows2k)
Assigned to: Ulf Wendel CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Mar 2004 21:34] mirage chen
excute any two statement in SQL studio, such as:
select * from dba.dual;
select * from dba.dual;

the below error messages occor:

---- Error -------------------------------
Auto Commit: On, SQL Mode: Internal, Isolation Level: Committed
Syntax error or access violation;-3008 POS(23) Invalid keyword or missing delimiter.
select * from dba.dual;
select * from dba.dual;

How to repeat:
see description
[29 Oct 2004 8:19] Ulf Wendel
The default seperator in the SQL Studio is a double slash: 

select * from dba.dual
select * from dba.dual

Tools - SQL Studio - SQL Dialog - Creating and Executing SQL Statements

Best regards,
Ulf Wendel