Bug #30424 need help wordsmithing duplicate UUID error message for usability
Submitted: 15 Aug 2007 1:58 Modified: 19 Feb 2010 20:35
Reporter: Sloan Childers Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: MEM Service Manager Devs CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Aug 2007 1:58] Sloan Childers
>> > > Any chance we could add some resolutions to the error 
> > message "2007-08-14 20:44:44: (critical) exception received 
> > from server: E1403: Server name "nycpdbs014:3306" is in use 
> > by another agent with uuid "fae275e8-dc24-4f80-aa6f-5dbd0e566a7e"."?
>> > >
>> > > It would probably help support somewhat in these cases. - mark

> > As in how to hunt down the duplicate agent?  (I think we are 
> > all so used to the problem that we just don't think about it.)  - sloan

Give the man a prize!

Yeah, since I'm new to the game, this error message isn't very helpful to me (okay, well, I'd know what to do, but if I'm the poor enduser, I don't, so I log a support issue, when you could've told me in one line how to hunt it down, or to generate a new UUID (with the command-line given), etc, etc).


How to repeat:
set up a second agent with the same UUID as the first

Suggested fix:
Peter, Maybe we have some good words we can steal from the docs to put in this error message?
[15 Aug 2007 2:04] Sloan Childers
note to whichever developer ends up fixing this... can we add the IP address tomcat thinks the duplicate agent is connecting from?  this might make tracking it down easier for the end user
[21 Aug 2007 13:50] Peter Lavin
The following copy may be suitable:

The UUID must  be unique for each agent. Ensure that you do not reuse or duplicate a UUID. To generate a new UUID execute the 'mysql-service-agent' file with the '-u' option. For more information see the documentation.

I'm not sure who to reassign this bug to so I'm assigning it back to Sloan.
[19 Feb 2010 20:35] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Josh Sled writes: 
AIUI, there is no longer a uniqueness constraint on server names, meaning this message and issue no longer occur, so there's nothing to fix.  Please reopen if need be.