Bug #30397 Lockout on Expired Non-trial Key
Submitted: 14 Aug 2007 2:07 Modified: 23 Aug 2007 19:29
Reporter: Joshua Ganderson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Joshua Ganderson CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Aug 2007 2:07] Joshua Ganderson
If your subscription expires, you are locked out of the product due to a incorrect report that your subscription is invalid.

How to repeat:
Kill your session.
Manually put in a valid but expired license directly into your db.
Restart apache.
Try to access the app.

Suggested fix:
Remove the accidentally added check for expiration in the validity check.
[14 Aug 2007 2:09] Joshua Ganderson
R7068 - Committed to trunk. Sloan aware that he needs to test and promote to 1.2 branch if review passes.
[14 Aug 2007 22:52] Sloan Childers
r7068 trunk
r7093 br_6559_1.2.0