Bug #29575 Additions to existing graph expressions break the graphs
Submitted: 5 Jul 2007 14:09 Modified: 6 Aug 2007 5:18
Reporter: Mark Leith Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Darren Oldag CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Jul 2007 14:09] Mark Leith
If we add variables to a expressions, within graphs that customers are already using - this breaks the graphs when they next update. 

This is due to not having proper versions within the graphs, as we do with the advisors - any new data collection that is required for these new graphs is not scheduled, and hence the new expressions are evaluated with NULL values (and then return NULL). 

How to repeat:
o Load a 1.1.0 advisor bundle, let it run for a while
o Load a 1.1.1 advisor bundle, observe the 'Database Activity' graph

There were new variables added to this graph for 'Update/Delete/Insert' - these lines will no longer show. 

Suggested fix:
Add proper graph versioning, and reschedule all data collections required when a new version is found on import.
[6 Jul 2007 15:11] Darren Oldag
until we we get proper identifiers and versioning, the best i can do is ensuring all the stuff necessary is scheduled for each graph on an import with the same name

i *think* that should fix the issue for 1.2.
[6 Jul 2007 16:01] Darren Oldag
fixed graph update path update variables and ensure any and all necessary data collections are present, no matter what.
[10 Jul 2007 11:07] Mark Leith
This requires extensive testing:

o Install 1.1.0 with 1.1.0 advisor package, let it run so graphs get some data. 
o *upagrade* the 1.1.0 install to 1.2.0 (when we have a good enough upgrade package, and then install the 1.2.0 advisor package
o Verify that all graphs continue to show all information, specifically within the database activity graph

Setting QA Tester to Bill so that he can test or reassign as he sees fit.