Bug #29148 EXTRA_DEBUG compile tag missing in Windows platform build scipts
Submitted: 15 Jun 2007 20:20 Modified: 10 Jul 2008 20:03
Reporter: Chuck Bell Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.20/5.0 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Jun 2007 20:20] Chuck Bell
There are places in the code where one can use the compiler directive "EXTRA_DEBUG" to turn on additional debugging capabilities. On the Windows platform, this tag is not in the build scripts for generating project files. This directive is used in Online Backup for enhanced debugging of the code.

The directive is in the ./BUILD/SETUP.sh script so Linux (and similar) platforms are unaffected.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Add the directive to the ./win/configure.js script to generate the correct command-line parameters for cmake.

Also add the directive to the ./CMakeLists.txt in the root of the source tree.

Lastly, add a comment to the ./win/README file explaining how to add the directive to build project files. For example, the following should be permitted:

[15 Jun 2007 20:52] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[30 Jun 2008 17:39] Chuck Bell
This bug was part of a patch made in November 2007. This can be closed.

ngeSet 1.2476.879.4 2007/11/09 16:13:13 cbell@mysql_cab_desk.
  WL#4120 : Online Backup: Basic testing
  This patch adds documentation for using breakpoints in the backup system. It also changes the name of the macro to correspond with the breakpoint concept.
win/configure.js 1.13 2007/11/09 16:13:09 cbell@mysql_cab_desk.
  WL#4120 : Online Backup: Basic testing
  Added script item to allow using EXTRA_DEBUG on Windows.
[10 Jul 2008 20:03] Paul DuBois
No changelog entry needed. (I think)