Bug #2859 Help- & Version-Commandline-Parameters do not work
Submitted: 18 Feb 2004 4:46 Modified: 1 Jun 2004 0:39
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.9.4-beta OS:Windows (Win2000)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Feb 2004 4:46] [ name withheld ]
The Commandline-Parameters for Help mysqlcc -?, mysqlcc --help
and Version mysqlcc -V, mysqlcc --version do not print out any

How to repeat:
Input one of the following:
mysqlcc -?
mysqlcc --help
mysqlcc -V
mysqlcc --version

Suggested fix:
Print out the requested Information.
[1 Jun 2004 0:39] Jorge del Conde

MySQLCC has been discontinued and will not be developed nor maintained anymore with the exception of Critical bugs.

In the near future we will release the substitute of MySQLCC called MySQL Query Browser.