Bug #28584 agent unInstall incomplete - dir 'patchbackup' remains on disk
Submitted: 22 May 2007 8:51 Modified: 28 Nov 2007 14:10
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: - OS:Windows
Assigned to: Carsten Segieth CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: uninstall, UPDATE

[22 May 2007 8:51] Carsten Segieth
the unInstall after an update does not remove the 'patchbackup' directory.

How to repeat:
- install an older agent
- update to current
- uninstall
- see the remaining dir

Suggested fix:
- uninstall also the 'patchbackup' dir
[22 May 2007 18:08] BitRock Merlin
Patch sent to Keith.

Please note that we have given a fix for both the server and the agent. Although the case only covers the agent, we have provided with a solution for the server as well because both applications are affected.
[25 May 2007 19:21] Keith Russell
Corrected in versions =>
[6 Jun 2007 12:59] Carsten Segieth
- in it is not solved for the agent, the dir 'patchbackup' still exists after unInstall
- server unInstall not tested.
[6 Jun 2007 13:00] Carsten Segieth
- I installed, updated to and then unInstalled
- both the install and the update were made 'unattended'.
[15 Jun 2007 9:35] BitRock Merlin
We have tried to reproduce this on our end but it worked ok for us (both in gui mode and unattended mode).

Could please try to reproduce with an agent update installer that includes the latest mysql-service-agent-update.xml project file to see if the issue is still present?
[28 Nov 2007 14:10] Carsten Segieth
could not be reproduced with --> closed.