Bug #28501 GUI tools install to path different than previous does not find Query Browser
Submitted: 17 May 2007 19:09 Modified: 20 Oct 2009 6:27
Reporter: Anthony Willard (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL GUI Common Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.r12 OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 May 2007 19:09] Anthony Willard
I installed the GUI Tools but changed the installation directory to D: from the default of C:.

Selecting the context menu will not load the Query Browser, the message points to the C: drive.

Administrator works OK.

How to repeat:
Install the GUI Tools, but change the default location from C: to some other available drive, like D: (not a CD/DVD) or another available drive.

Once installed, use the context menu (Right Mouse button) and start Administrator, you (should) get the login screen.

Use the context menu and start the Query Browser -- get an error saying it cannot find "C:\....." - it was installed somewhere else!

This also affects the link within the Administrator, Tools menu -> Query Browser -- cannot find it in the "C:\..." location.
[20 May 2007 21:52] Anthony Willard
Note: The context menu is referring to the context menu on the monitor icon in the status bar.
[25 May 2007 17:39] Giuseppe Maxia
I am sorry, but I could not repeat the behavior you are reporting with the information you provided.
Installed GUI tools to F: disk, and both the Administrator and the Query Browser did open as requested.

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it to this bug and change the status back to 'Open'.

Thank you for your contributions to MySQL.
[25 May 2007 18:06] Anthony Willard
I couldn't reset the status to Open.

On the target machine:

I uninstalled the Tools completely.  In the registry HKCU/Software/MySQL AB/MySQL Administrator 1.2 -> Location = "D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\"

HKCU/Software/MySQL AB/MySQL Query Browser 1.2 -> Location = "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\"

Both keys reflected version 1.2.12, so I know they are current.

Why would it leave the registry entries?

After repeated uninstall and install cycles, I uninstalled the tools, then removed these registry nodes.  I installed the tools and they work fine now.  So, for what it's worth something built those keys, but nothing removed them which lead to this issue.  Somehow those keys were created but not updated/removed by subsequent processes.
[25 May 2007 20:43] Giuseppe Maxia
Thanks for the additional information.
Now I was able to reproduce the bug. I changed the bug title to reflect the sequence of events.

The correct steps to repeat it are:

1) install the GUI tools in any location;
2) uninstall the GUI tools (normal uninstall, using the control panel);
3) reinstall the tools, using a different location;
4) launch the MySQL System Try Monitor;
5) from the monitor, launch MySQL Administrator (succeeds);
6) from the monitor, launch MySQL Query Browser (fails).

Best regards

[20 Oct 2009 6:27] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of
MySQL GUI tools into MySQL Workbench. We won't fix this anymore.

More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:
