Bug #28029 SERIALIZABLE isn't.
Submitted: 23 Apr 2007 17:40 Modified: 5 Mar 2008 12:22
Reporter: David Sharnoff Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.22 OS:Linux
Assigned to: Heikki Tuuri CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Apr 2007 17:40] David Sharnoff
start.  They both read the same data.  They both modify the same data.
They both commit.

Here is an except from my query log:

                    655 Connect     muir@localhost on rectangle
                    655 Query       set autocommit=0
                    655 Query       SELECT o.* FROM charm2object AS o, charm2object AS og WHERE og.id
 = '111' AND og.loadgroup = o.loadgroup
                    657 Connect     muir@localhost on rectangle
                    657 Query       set autocommit=0
                    657 Query       SELECT o.* FROM charm2object AS o, charm2object AS og WHERE og.id
 = '111' AND og.loadgroup = o.loadgroup
                    655 Query       UPDATE charm2object SET loadgroup = '112', class = 'HASH', otype
= 'H', virtual = '0', reftarg = '0', alen = '0', refs = '1', gcgeneration = '99', counter = (counter
+ 1) % 65536 WHERE id = '111'
                    655 Query       commit
070423  9:58:50     655 Quit
                    657 Query       UPDATE charm2object SET loadgroup = '112', class = 'HASH', otype
= 'H', virtual = '0', reftarg = '0', alen = '0', refs = '1', gcgeneration = '99', counter = (counter
+ 1) % 65536 WHERE id = '111'
                    657 Query       commit
                    657 Quit

How to repeat:
My enviroment: ubuntu 6.06 with the following mysql-related packages installed:

ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                      3.0002-2build1                             A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL data
ii  libmysqlclient10                       3.23.56-3                                  LGPL-licensed client library for MySQL datab
rc  libmysqlclient12                       4.0.24-10ubuntu2.3                         mysql database client library
ii  libmysqlclient14                       4.1.15-1ubuntu5                            mysql database client library
ii  libmysqlclient15off                    5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database client library
ii  libqt3-mt-mysql                        3.3.6-1ubuntu6.1                           MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
ii  mysql-client-4.1                       4.1.15-1ubuntu5                            mysql database client binaries
ii  mysql-common                           5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
rc  mysql-common-4.1                       4.1.12-1ubuntu3.4                          mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
ii  mysql-server-4.1                       4.1.15-1ubuntu5                            mysql database server binaries
ii  python-mysqldb                         1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4                           A Python interface to MySQL
ii  python2.4-mysqldb                      1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4                           A Python interface to MySQL
rc  webmin-mysql                           1.210a-2ubuntu1                            mysql-server control module for webmin
ii  www-mysql                              0.5.7-19ubuntu1                            a WWW interface

I'm working on a new relase of my perl OOPS module.  I enclose a 
pre-release distribution of it.

To repeat, install a number of dependent perl modules: DBI, DBD::mysql,
Digest::Md5, Scalar::Util, Filter::Util::Call, Event, IO::Event, 
Test::MultiFork, Data::Compare, Clone::PP, BSD::Resource.

Unpack my OOPS-0.1009 distribution.  Goto the "t" directory.
Run "gc.t".   It may die quickly.  It may run for a while.  The
failure is not predictable.

This initial bug report screen doesn't give me a place to upload.  As
soon as I can, I'll upload my pre-release OOPS distribution and also my
full query log.
[23 Apr 2007 17:44] David Sharnoff
pre-release OOPS-0.1009

Attachment: OOPS-0.1009.tar.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 169.85 KiB.

[23 Apr 2007 17:48] David Sharnoff
full query log

Attachment: full-query-log.txt.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 302.46 KiB.

[23 Apr 2007 20:53] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Please indicate accurate version of MySQL server you met the problem with.
[23 Apr 2007 20:58] Sveta Smirnova
Found in the initial post:

"ii  mysql-server-4.1                       4.1.15-1ubuntu5                      
     mysql database server binaries"

If version of your MySQL server is 4.1.15, please, upgrade to current 4.1.22, because 4.1.15 is quite old and many bugs were fixed since it has been released.
[23 Apr 2007 22:48] David Sharnoff
It was 4.1.15.   I've upgraded to 5.0.22 and it has the same problem.

I'll attach a fresh query log.

Just fyi, the way my test script fails is always about the same.
This is an example:

not ok 133  - line622/898  #  reference counts are off - 12 object  [ add-1 #51 ]
reference count of *217 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *7191 is off:  recorded, but should be 10 [add-1]
reference count of *233 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *249 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *265 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *185 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *153 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *137 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *121 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *201 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *169 is off: 139 recorded, but should be 142 [add-1]
reference count of *7321 is off: 1 recorded, but should be 0 [add-1]
Bail out!   ... early so the error doesn't scroll away [add-1]

My installed versions:

ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                      3.0002-2build1                             A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL data
ii  libmysqlclient10                       3.23.56-3                                  LGPL-licensed client library for MySQL datab
rc  libmysqlclient12                       4.0.24-10ubuntu2.3                         mysql database client library
ii  libmysqlclient14                       4.1.15-1ubuntu5                            mysql database client library
ii  libmysqlclient15off                    5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database client library
ii  libqt3-mt-mysql                        3.3.6-1ubuntu6.1                           MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
ii  mysql-client-5.0                       5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database client binaries
ii  mysql-common                           5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
ii  mysql-server-5.0                       5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.3                       mysql database server binaries
ii  python-mysqldb                         1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4                           A Python interface to MySQL
ii  python2.4-mysqldb                      1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4                           A Python interface to MySQL
ii  www-mysql                              0.5.7-19ubuntu1                            a WWW interface for the TCX mySQL database

Here is the fresh except of the query log that shows where SERIALIZABLE 
is violated.

                    709 Connect     muir@localhost on rectangle
                    709 Query       set autocommit=0
                    709 Query       SELECT o.* FROM charm2object AS o, charm2object AS og WHERE og.id = '111' AND og.loadgroup = o.loadgroup
                    712 Connect     muir@localhost on rectangle
                    712 Query       set autocommit=0
                    712 Query       SELECT o.* FROM charm2object AS o, charm2object AS og WHERE og.id = '111' AND og.loadgroup = o.loadgroup
                    712 Query       UPDATE charm2object SET loadgroup = '112', class = 'HASH', otype = 'H', virtual = '0', reftarg = '0', alen = '0', refs = '1', gcgeneration = '99', counter = (counter + 1) % 65536 WHERE id = '111'
                    712 Query       commit
                    712 Quit       
                    709 Query       UPDATE charm2object SET loadgroup = '112', class = 'HASH', otype = 'H', virtual = '0', reftarg = '0', alen = '0', refs = '1', gcgeneration = '99', counter = (counter + 1) % 65536 WHERE id = '111'
                    709 Query       commit
                    709 Quit       

[23 Apr 2007 22:50] David Sharnoff
Exerpt of the query log, run with 5.0.22

Attachment: excerpt-2.txt (text/plain), 1.09 KiB.

[23 Apr 2007 22:50] David Sharnoff
Full query log, 2nd run, 5.0.22

Attachment: full-query-log-2.txt.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 331.12 KiB.

[23 Apr 2007 22:51] David Sharnoff
mysql dump as of the end of the 2nd run (5.0.22)

Attachment: mysqldump-2.txt.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 278.38 KiB.

[24 Apr 2007 5:11] Heikki Tuuri

please check that those tables really are InnoDB, and not MyISAM.

Are you sure that both statements really update the same, existing row? One of them should wait until the other commits.


[24 Apr 2007 16:21] David Sharnoff
The CREATE TABLE statements are in the attached full query log.
They include "TYPE = InnoDB".   I don't think my tests would get
as far as they do if I was using MyISAM.

Both update the same existing row.   The query log is complete: it
starts with CREATE TABLE...

Perhaps the Severity should be Critial instead?
[24 Apr 2007 18:01] David Sharnoff
I tried added "LOCK IN SHARE MODE" to my SELECTs and that did not help.
I'll attach a query log and exerpt for this latest run.  It died faster
this time (dumb luck, I think) so the log is shorter.
[24 Apr 2007 18:02] David Sharnoff

Attachment: exerpt-3.txt (text/plain), 1.13 KiB.

[24 Apr 2007 18:03] David Sharnoff
LOCK IN SHARE MODE full query log

Attachment: full-query-log-3.txt.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 55.25 KiB.

[2 May 2007 17:28] Heikki Tuuri

please use SHOW CREATE TABLE ... to verify that the tables are not MyISAM.

[2 May 2007 18:00] David Sharnoff
show create table says "ENGINE=InnoDB" for both of the critical

I had previously attached a mysqldump of the database and query
logs that include the CREATE TABLE statements.
[7 May 2007 17:12] Heikki Tuuri

could the problem be that you use:

id = '111'

in the WHERE clause, though id is nunmeric, and '111' is a character string?


[7 May 2007 17:22] David Sharnoff
I didn't write DBI, DBD::mysql, or any part of mysql so I don't
know how my strings/numbers get encoded/decoded as they are passed
to mysql.

I don't explicitly use quotes.  They are added by DBI or DBD::mysql.

Since my application works perfectly (though slowly) when I add
"FOR UPDATE" to all my queries, I'm pretty sure that number/string
issues are not the problem.
[14 May 2007 17:03] Heikki Tuuri

you have also filed http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=20857 about automatic deadlock detection failing (and the lock wait timeout kicking in). What is the connection of that bug report to this?


[14 May 2007 18:50] David Sharnoff
As far as I know there is no connection except that they are triggered
by similar code.
[4 Mar 2008 17:10] Heikki Tuuri

were you able to determine where the bug was/is?

[5 Mar 2008 8:09] David Sharnoff
This appears to be fixed in 5.0.45.
[5 Mar 2008 12:22] Heikki Tuuri
Closing the bug report, though I do not know what change could have fixed this.