Bug #2793 Unable to change path to binary
Submitted: 14 Feb 2004 9:14 Modified: 19 Feb 2004 11:31
Reporter: Jonathan Foo Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.1a ALPHA OS:Windows (Windows XP Home)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Feb 2004 9:14] Jonathan Foo
From the "Configure Service" tab under the "Service Control" leftnav, I'm unable to change the path to the MySQL binary either by using the directory browser button or by typing a new binary filename in the available text box.

How to repeat:
See "Path to binary:" under "Server Features", bottom of page.

- Clicking the little directory browser button (button with three periods) next to the text box doesn't do anything at all.

- Type the name of a different binary (changed "mysqld-max-nt" to "mysqld-nt")
- Apply changes
- Stop the service under "Stop/Start Service" tab
- Come back to "Configure Service" tab; binary listed is back to the original "mysqld-max-nt".

I'm currently connected as "root" to a MySQL server (4.0.13) on my local machine.

Suggested fix:
Helpfile indicates the path listed is "as it is listed in the Windows service management".  If we're not meant to be able to change which binary is being used through the Administrator, I'd suggest taking the path out of an (editable) text box and removing the directory browser button.
[19 Feb 2004 7:20] Michael G. Zinner
Thanks for your report.

This bug has been addressed. The fix will be in the next release 1.0.2a.