Bug #27596 RecordSet in ASP loses value when accessed consecutivly
Submitted: 2 Apr 2007 21:16 Modified: 3 Apr 2007 23:47
Reporter: Updates NS Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:3.51.14 OS:Windows (Windows 2003 Server)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Apr 2007 21:16] Updates NS
With mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.14-win32 installed Selecting data from a DB and hitting the RecordSet multiple times for data in the same row causes the following lines to be empty.

We Uninstalled the 3.51.14 and put mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32 back on and problem fixed.

Here is an example of our code:

'Verify the Username and Password from the DG_table
        nUserData = "select UGroupID, FName, LName, HNUserName, HNPassword, GlobalUser from " & Session("AdminDBMaster") & "UNGroups where UserName = '" & UserName & "' and Password = '" & Password & "' union select UGroupID, FName, LName, HNUserName, HNPassword, GlobalUser from " & Session("AdminDBSlave") & DealerGroup("DealerGroup") & "_UNGroups where " & Session("AdminDBSlave") & DealerGroup("DealerGroup") & "_UNGroups.UserName = '" & UserName & "' and " & Session("AdminDBSlave") & DealerGroup("DealerGroup") & "_UNGroups.Password = '" & Password & "'"
        	Response.Write("nUD " & nUserData & "<br /><br /><br />")
        set UserData = oConn.execute(nUserData)

Response.Write("RS Data: " & UserData("GlobalUser") & "<br />")
Response.Write("RS Data: " & UserData("GlobalUser") & "<br />")
Response.Write("RS Data: " & UserData("GlobalUser") & "<br />")
Response.Write("RS Data: " & UserData("GlobalUser") & "<br />")

How to repeat:
Select data from a DB
Hit the RecordSet Single Row DO NOT USE MOVENEXT
Response.Write the Field
Response.Write the Field
Response.Write the Field
Response.Write the Field

The First will have data then follow lines will be empty.

Suggested fix:
Installed the 3.51.14 > mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32 <
[3 Apr 2007 23:47] Jess Balint
Duplicate of bug#16866