Bug #2753 Mysql CRASH and cant start anymore when i change some options.
Submitted: 12 Feb 2004 9:31 Modified: 19 Feb 2004 11:26
Reporter: Aquiles Cohen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.0.1a-alpha OS:Windows (WinXP PRO)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Feb 2004 9:31] Aquiles Cohen
Mysql administrator crash every time that i want to launch.  after i changed some options.

DAMAGE: after Normal block (#74) at 0x00F23058
if i chose retry i get this

Exepction EACCESSVIOLATION in MODULE MYSQLAdministrator.exe at 0001192E
Access violation at address 77F485C0 in module ntdll.dll write address 00000000

How to repeat:
my actual options are on mysqlx_options.xml

	<group name="General">
<property name="Language" value="en"/>
<property name="PasswordStorageType" value="3"/>
	<group name="GUISetup">
<property name="SectionSidebarWidth" value="185"/>
<property name="SectionSidebarHidden" value="0"/>
	<group name="AdminUserManagement">
<property name="ShowUserGlobalPrivileges" value="1"/>
<property name="ShowUserTableColumnPrivileges" value="1"/>
[13 Feb 2004 1:25] Michael G. Zinner
There is an issue with the Password Storage when set to Obscured.

This will be fixed asap.

In the meanwhile you could take the following steps to workaround this issues:

Please go to c:\Documents and Settings\[YourUsername]\Application Data\MySQL.
Delete all files located in this directory.

Then, after restarting the Administrator, instantly click [...] and change the Password Storage to plain.
[19 Feb 2004 7:27] Michael G. Zinner
This bug has been addressed. The fix will be in the next release 1.0.2a.