Bug #27261 DROP USER documentation is unclear in 4.1 docs
Submitted: 19 Mar 2007 14:24 Modified: 22 Mar 2007 8:48
Reporter: Baron Schwartz (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: drop user

[19 Mar 2007 14:24] Baron Schwartz
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/drop-user.html states

"DROP USER was added in MySQL 4.1.1. In MySQL 4.1, it removes only accounts that have no privileges."

This confused me.  Even though it doesn't say anything inaccurate, this section and the rest of the page might give the impression that there is a DROP USER before 4.1.1.

How to repeat:
Documentation bug.

Suggested fix:
Perhaps it is best to always say 4.1.1 rather than just 4.1 in this documentation section.  Either that, or just delete each occurrence of "4.1" in the section; when I mentally do that, it seems to read fairly clearly to me.
[22 Mar 2007 8:48] Jon Stephens
Quoth the Manual,

"DROP USER was added in MySQL 4.1.1. In MySQL 4.1, it removes only accounts that have no privileges. This means that the procedure for removing an account depends on your version of MySQL. ...

From 4.1.1 onward in the MySQL 4.1 release series...

Before MySQL 4.1.1, DROP USER is not available."

Seems pretty unambiguous already.