Bug #27133 Binary logs should be removed regularly or disk usage might become excessive
Submitted: 14 Mar 2007 13:44 Modified: 31 May 2007 23:38
Reporter: Johan Idrén Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.0/1.0.x OS:Any
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Mar 2007 13:44] Johan Idrén
Monitoring and Advisory Service has the binary log enabled in the internal mysql server. 
The binary logs are never rotated, thus slowly increasing disk usage.

How to repeat:
ls /opt/mysql/network/monitoring/mysql/data
du -sh /opt/mysql/network/monitoring/mysql/data

Suggested fix:
Either disable binary loggin or rotate binary logs now and again.
[12 Apr 2007 17:44] Andy Bang
Just remove the log-bin line from my.cnf/my.ini.  We don't need the binary logs.  The customer can add it in if they set up replication of Merlin's database.
[20 Apr 2007 21:24] Bill Weber
Verified that log-bin is no longer in config file in version
[24 Apr 2007 19:53] Peter Lavin
Added to the changelog.
[29 May 2007 17:47] Bill Weber
Re-opened this since the "log-bin = mysql-network.bin" line is not being deleted from the my.ini/cnf file during the update install.
[31 May 2007 17:06] BitRock Merlin
Path sent to Keith
[31 May 2007 19:37] Keith Russell
Resolved in versions =>
[31 May 2007 23:38] Bill Weber
Verified that the update installer now comments out the log-bin line in the build.