Bug #2646 | rpad not truncating literals to given len | ||
Submitted: | 5 Feb 2004 0:13 | Modified: | 5 Feb 2004 10:53 |
Reporter: | guru karur | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 4.0.15 | OS: | Windows (Windows 2000) |
Assigned to: | Dean Ellis | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[5 Feb 2004 0:13]
guru karur
[5 Feb 2004 10:53]
Dean Ellis
I cannot repeat this with 4.0.17 or 4.0.18. Can you try it with a current release?
[5 Feb 2004 17:53]
guru karur
we are currently using 4.0.15 version. i'll verify when we upgrade to the latest stable version. thanks Dean
[2 Mar 2004 20:36]
developer developer
sample comment by afzal for testing purpose.....
[2 Mar 2004 20:37]
developer developer
sample comment by afzal for testing purpose.....
[29 Apr 2005 8:20]
Chandrasekhar Telkapalli
Same problem I am also facing I wanted to populate padded data in list box Like this My Query is like this MYSQL="select RecordID,rpad(rtrim(category)," & max_length_category & ",char(32,1)) as cat,rpad(rtrim(subcategory)," & max_length_subcategory & ",'#')as subcat,question from faqdetails order by Category asc,subcategory asc" And I wanted to populate in Lis box like this I am going to open record set in ASP Like RS <select id="RecordID" name="RecordID" size="10" style="width: '100%'"> <%while not rs.eof%> <option><%=rs("category")&rs("subcategory") & rs("title")</option> <%rs.movenext wend %> In which it is padding me ok from the database All the three data fields are varchar Type ie:category& sub category & Title But in HTML It is looking like uneven Can you find out a solution for this.