Bug #2625 Creating Tables and Editing do not work right...
Submitted: 3 Feb 2004 7:04 Modified: 4 Feb 2004 7:47
Reporter: Ian Langdon Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.9.4-beta OS:Windows (Windows XP & Linux Redhat 9)
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Feb 2004 7:04] Ian Langdon
You may already be aware of this, hnowever I was not able to find a solve in the bug lists...

On both Linux and Windows, I have the exact same problem.  WHen I am creating a table OR editing a table and defining its fields, when I click close, it asks if I want to save the table and then asks for a name (if I am making a new table).  When I click Yes, or after I enter the table name, the window does not close, but rather gets sent to the background and the changes are UNWRITTEN to the MySQL server.

If I restore the stale window, and click save, the same thing happens over and over again.  I have noticed if I use the SAVE icon on the tool bar, this happens more often.  

How to repeat:
Create a new table, or edit and existing one.  Click the SAVE button on the tool bar then attempt to close the window.  Be sure to go back and check to see if the changes were applied.  THey would not have been for me.

I am using the same database server as I only have one to use at the moment.  But I tried MysqlControl Centre on both a windows and linux platform.  THe problem seems to be global for me.

Suggested fix:
Correct the save functions on the Table Edit Module.

If you need to contact me, I can provide you with any information you may be missing.

My work # is 416.439.2275  x224.  If you get my voice mail, please dial 0 and ask Reception to page me.

Ian Langdon
Eastern TimeZone
[3 Feb 2004 14:19] Dean Ellis
I cannot repeat this with MySQLCC 0.9.4 and MySQL 4.1.2.  The window closes and changes are made immediately upon saving.

Perhaps if you can provide a very specific set of steps to reproduce the problem we may be able to repeat it, but in my own testing I cannot make this happen.
[4 Feb 2004 7:43] Ian Langdon
Many thanks for looking into this matter.  I have done some further investigation.  I have turned on the messages window and had an error.  I was trying to Auto Incrament a NUMERIC value as my primary key in all the tables, however, the NUMERIC type was not right.  I switched it to Integer and all was fine.  

My appologies for not having the messages window on.  (I am rather new to MySQL)  But many thanks for investigating it.

[4 Feb 2004 7:47] Dean Ellis
Ok, thanks for the update!