Bug #2582 Documentation all still has venu@mysql.com
Submitted: 30 Jan 2004 11:04 Modified: 9 May 2006 3:12
Reporter: Boyd Gerber Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:All OS:
Assigned to: Documentation Team CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jan 2004 11:04] Boyd Gerber
We need a valid email address to report all problems with MyODBC.  I had changed all venu@mysql.com to bgerber@mysql.com but I have put things back.  I think a valid email address should be put in docs.  Also bk archives should be changed to new ODBC person instead of Venu.

How to repeat:
Do a grep venu@mysql.com, in bk trees.
[9 May 2006 3:12] Paul DuBois
I don't think there are any places left in the docs that list
Venu as a contact address.  For example, the address is
listed as myodbc@lists.mysql.com at:
