Bug #25774 ndb_alter_table.test fails in DBUG_ASSERT() on Linux x64
Submitted: 23 Jan 2007 9:23 Modified: 23 Mar 2007 3:19
Reporter: Michael Widenius Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.15-beta OS:Linux (SuSe Linux x64)
Assigned to: Tomas Ulin CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Jan 2007 9:23] Michael Widenius
Test suite (make test) fails in ndb_alter_table.test in an assert

(Probably a timing issue)

How to repeat:
Same as:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --enable-assembler --with-extra-charse
ts=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --with-readline --with-big-tables --with-
debug=full --with-ssl --with-plugins=max --with-embedded-server --enable-local-i

mysql-test-run.pl --force --mysqld=--binlog-format=mixed ndb_alter_table
[23 Jan 2007 9:24] Michael Widenius
Relevant part of var/log/master.err file

Attachment: ndb_alter_table.log (text/x-log), 38.30 KiB.

[22 Feb 2007 8:40] Michael Widenius
I upgraded this to p1 as this constantly causes test to fail on my Linux64 bit machine.
[22 Mar 2007 21:30] Tomas Ulin
pushed to 5.1.17
(note that this is something that shows up in debug compile only)
[23 Mar 2007 3:19] Jon Stephens
This doesn't seem to entail any user-visible changes, so I've closed without further action.