Bug #25536 Advisor import stops on first error detected
Submitted: 10 Jan 2007 21:09 Modified: 11 Jul 2007 15:52
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Eric Herman CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mer 1.1 (maybe)

[10 Jan 2007 21:09] Andy Bang
If an error is encountered when importing a new advisor bundle (e.g. a data collection item that can't be identified), the import stops immediately and does not continue trying to import the rest of the rules.

How to repeat:
1) Add a rule that uses a new DC item (e.g. the new "MySQL Agent Not Reachable" that uses the new agent.reachable DC item).
2) Create a new Advisor JAR file.
3) Try to import that into a 1.0.0 system.  It will import several rules (any whose filename is < "agent_not_reachable.xml").  Then it will stop with an error message about a DC "item that can't be identified".  No other rules will be imported (i.e. any rules that have a filename that is alphabetically after "agent_not_reachable.xml").

Suggested fix:
It should continue trying to import all the other rules.
[12 Jan 2007 18:59] Gary Whizin
We should:

1) collect errors & warnings, report at the end (but continue import)
2) reduce severity of unknown data collection from error to warning (it will generate an error if you try to schedule)
3) review error messages to recalibrate their severity
[11 Jul 2007 10:39] Mark Leith
Verified this is fixed with the testing advisor bundle - which included a 'duff' graph. 

Bad graph now also removed. 

Verification done within
[11 Jul 2007 15:52] Peter Lavin
Added to the changelog for version 1.2.