Bug #2550 manual bundled in tarballs hardly manageable
Submitted: 29 Jan 2004 2:26 Modified: 18 Aug 2005 15:10
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:n/a OS:n/a
Assigned to: Stefan Hinz CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jan 2004 2:26] [ name withheld ]
the all-in-one-file nature (-> huge size) of manual.html files bundled in the release tarballs makes them hard to work with. the page-per-chapter format is somewhat better, but the fine granularity of the searchable version (available only online, unfortunately) makes it most pleasant to work with, at least for me. please consider providing the page-per-item version for download, and perhaps even inclusion in mysqld tarballs,

How to repeat:
try to use manual.html to tune the server, you'll want to have easy access to several related places in it:

Tuning Server Parameters
SET Syntax
How MySQL Uses Memory

opening the manual.html 5 times in mozilla on freebsd is *very* painful, switching between the tabs slow...

Suggested fix:
replace Docs/manual.html with one of the finer granularity versions.
[18 Aug 2005 15:10] Stefan Hinz
Thanks for your suggestion!
We've been providing HTML versions for download that are split on chapter level. We are building HTML versions split on chapter level but haven't published these so far. Maybe we will do that in the future.
Most probably, we won't ship MySQL releases with more than one kind of Manual, though.