Bug #2536 Cannot run mysql 4.1.1b-alpha on newtare 6 with edir 8.7.3
Submitted: 27 Jan 2004 14:47 Modified: 30 Jan 2004 7:36
Reporter: M. Youssfi Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.17 OS:Novell NetWare (Netware 6 with edir 8.7.3)
Assigned to: Greg Weir CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Jan 2004 14:47] M. Youssfi
Cannot run any binary file to start mysql server on Netware 6 NSS with edir 8.7.3.

How to repeat:
If you try to run for example mysql_install_db on netware 6 console an error occured [UNRESOLVED] with red colour. Also same error occured when trying to
run mysqld_safe --skip-external-locking. So I run release version 4.0.16 and wait until a fix will be ready.
[28 Jan 2004 2:44] M. Youssfi
Idem for 4.1.1b-alpha. All binaries cannot be loaded [UNRESOLVED] with red colour
[29 Jan 2004 1:38] M. Youssfi
Errors are:
Loader cannot find public symbol: LIBC@pthread_rwlock_wrlock for module MYSQLD.NLM
Loader cannot find public symbol: LIBC@pthread_rwlock_trywrlock for module MYSQLD.NLM
Loader cannot find public symbol: LIBC@pthread_rwlock_rdlock for module MYSQLD.NLM
Loader cannot find public symbol: LIBC@pthread_rwlock_inits for module MYSQLD.NLM
Loader cannot find public symbol: LIBC@pthread_rwlock_destroy for module MYSQLD.NLM
Loader cannot find public symbol: mkstemp for module MYSQLD.NLM
Error processing External Records
Module MYSQLD.NLM not loaded
Module MYSQLD.NLM load status UNRESOLVED (red)
[30 Jan 2004 4:07] M. Youssfi
Incorrect bug reporting, probleme was an older Libc.NLM. I'am sorry for this.
Now with update it works fine.
[30 Jan 2004 7:36] Greg Weir
Thanks, I figured this might be the case-- recent releases do generally require the latest libc.nlm.