Bug #251 DESCRIBE on a query with a grouped subquery crashes mysql
Submitted: 8 Apr 2003 12:50 Modified: 13 Jun 2003 14:07
Reporter: Daniel Penning Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.0 OS:Any (All)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Apr 2003 12:50] Daniel Penning
executing the following query crashes mysql


to reproduce this crash the table requires a minimum of 2 columns

How to repeat:
[8 Apr 2003 16:35] MySQL Verification Team
Thanks for the debug report.

back trace:

/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.0-alpha-debug'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306
[New Thread 2051 (LWP 1024)]
pure virtual method called

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
[Switching to Thread 2051 (LWP 1024)]
0x401a7df1 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) backtrace full
#0  0x401a7df1 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x4003e06d in pthread_kill () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x4003e5eb in raise () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x401a94d9 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x4012b5d7 in __cxxabiv1::__terminate(void (*)()) ()
   from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x4012b624 in std::terminate() () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x4012bb47 in __cxa_pure_virtual () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x08166ac0 in calc_group_buffer (join=0x852ff80, group=0x8528f20)
    at sql_select.cc:7450
        field = (class Field *) 0x4014c578
        key_length = 1074016336
        parts = 0
        null_parts = 0
#8  0x081582e1 in JOIN::optimize() (this=0x852ff80) at sql_select.cc:628
        _db_func_ = 0x0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        _db_file_ = 0x0
        _db_level_ = 1
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
#9  0x0815a2fa in mysql_select(THD*, Item***, st_table_list*, unsigned, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*, bool) (
    thd=0x8526cd8, rref_pointer_array=0x8528c58, tables=0x8528e70,
    wild_num=0, fields=@0x8528c9c, conds=0x0, og_num=1, order=0x0,
    group=0x8528f20, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0,
    select_options=84448260, result=0x852a1d8, unit=0x8528d00,
    select_lex=0x8528c08, tables_and_fields_initied=false)
    at sql_select.cc:1351
        err = 134753466
        free_join = true
        _db_func_ = 0x8531a45 "/)@2>"
        _db_file_ = 0x8531a52 ""
        _db_level_ = 139663942
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
        join = (JOIN *) 0x852ff80
#10 0x081694d5 in mysql_explain_select(THD*, st_select_lex*, char const*, select_result*) (thd=0x8526cd8, select_lex=0x8528c08,
    type=0x83bd6b0 "DERIVED", result=0x852a1d8) at sql_select.cc:8128
        _db_func_ = 0x4009f9a8 "\"\206\f\bP&y\v"
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        _db_file_ = 0x8528d00 "(;@\b"
        _db_level_ = 139657024
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbf5feb14
        unit = (st_select_lex_unit *) 0x0
        res = 139627528
#11 0x081693c4 in mysql_explain_union(THD*, st_select_lex_unit*, select_result*) (thd=0x8526cd8, unit=0x0, result=0x852a1d8) at sql_select.cc:8096
        sl = (st_select_lex *) 0x8528c08
        _db_func_ = 0x0
        _db_file_ = 0x852727c "XúR\bX\213R\bX\213R\b "
        _db_level_ = 8
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x852a4a8
        res = 0
        first = (st_select_lex *) 0x8528c08
#12 0x081692c3 in select_describe (join=0x852a4a8, need_tmp_table=false,
    need_order=false, distinct=false, message=0x0) at sql_select.cc:8080
        unit = (st_select_lex_unit *) 0x8528d00
        field_list = {<base_list> = {<Sql_alloc> = {<No data fields>},
    first = 0x84cb2c8, last = 0xbf5ff4dc,
    elements = 0}, <No data fields>}
        item_list = {<base_list> = {<Sql_alloc> = {<No data fields>},
    first = 0x852fdf0, last = 0x852ff78,
    elements = 10}, <No data fields>}
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        thd = (THD *) 0x8526cd8
        select_lex = (st_select_lex *) 0x852ff40
        result = (select_result *) 0x852a1d8
        item_null = (Item *) 0x852fd78
        _db_func_ = 0x0
        _db_file_ = 0x0
        _db_level_ = 0
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
#13 0x08159105 in JOIN::exec() (this=0x852a4a8) at sql_select.cc:952
        tmp_error = 139633832
        _db_func_ = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
        _db_file_ = 0x0
        _db_level_ = 0
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x0
        curr_join = (JOIN *) 0x8528f70
        curr_all_fields = (List<Item> *) 0x8526f54
        curr_fields_list = (List<Item> *) 0x852a4a8
        curr_tmp_table = (st_table *) 0xbf5ff570
#14 0x0815a355 in mysql_select(THD*, Item***, st_table_list*, unsigned, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*, bool) (
    thd=0x8526cd8, rref_pointer_array=0x8526f54, tables=0x8528f70,
    wild_num=1, fields=@0x8526f98, conds=0x0, og_num=0, order=0x0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=218665988,
    result=0x852a1d8, unit=0x8526e1c, select_lex=0x8526f04,
    tables_and_fields_initied=false) at sql_select.cc:1362
        err = 0
        free_join = true
        _db_func_ = 0x852bc10 "h»R\bp«R\b "
        _db_file_ = 0x852bc10 "h»R\bp«R\b "
        _db_level_ = 0
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbf5ff604
        join = (JOIN *) 0x852a4a8
#15 0x081694d5 in mysql_explain_select(THD*, st_select_lex*, char const*, select_result*) (thd=0x8526cd8, select_lex=0x8526f04,
    type=0x838ba05 "PRIMARY", result=0x852a1d8) at sql_select.cc:8128
        _db_func_ = 0x811cf63 "%ÿ"
        _db_file_ = 0x852a1d8 "È[A\bØlR\b"
        _db_level_ = 139633112
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbf5ff694
        unit = (st_select_lex_unit *) 0x0
        res = 139620100
#16 0x081693c4 in mysql_explain_union(THD*, st_select_lex_unit*, select_result*) (thd=0x8526cd8, unit=0x0, result=0x852a1d8) at sql_select.cc:8096
        sl = (st_select_lex *) 0x8526f04
        _db_func_ = 0x8157431 "\203Ä\020\213[\024\205Ûuí\213]üÉÃU\211åVS\2---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        _db_file_ = 0x8526f04 "È:@\b"
        _db_level_ = 12
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x5ff7d4
        res = 0
        first = (st_select_lex *) 0x8526f04
#17 0x08138194 in mysql_execute_command(THD*) (thd=0x8526cd8)
    at sql_parse.cc:1692
        save_lock = (class st_mysql_lock *) 0x852a1d8
        result = (class select_result *) 0x852a1d8
        table = (st_table_list *) 0x852a1d8
        res = 0
        lex = (st_lex *) 0x8526e10
        tables = (st_table_list *) 0x852a180
        select_lex = (class st_select_lex *) 0x8526f04
        unit = (class st_select_lex_unit *) 0x8526e1c
        _db_func_ = 0x9230880 <Address 0x9230880 out of bounds>
        _db_file_ = 0xa1e09aa <Address 0xa1e09aa out of bounds>
        _db_level_ = 3210676835
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x81c4c95
#18 0x0813c028 in mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned) (thd=0x8526cd8,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    inBuf=0x8528b68 "describe select * from (select * from bar  group by id) bar", length=139619856) at sql_parse.cc:3362
        lex = (st_lex *) 0x8526e10
        _db_func_ = 0x8526cd8 "8\\A\b@ÇL\bDÇL\b°yR\b\bzR\b\b\202R\b/zR\b\bzR\b\t"
        _db_file_ = 0x3 <Address 0x3 out of bounds>
        _db_level_ = 139619544
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbf5ff9f4
#19 0x081371a8 in dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned) (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x8526cd8, packet=0x8527a09 "",
    packet_length=60) at sql_parse.cc:1249
        net = (st_net *) 0x8526ce4
        error = false
        slow_command = false
        _db_func_ = 0x3f <Address 0x3f out of bounds>
        _db_file_ = 0xbf5ff948 "þì\003@\220l)@ÿÿÿÿdù_¿<"
        _db_level_ = 3210737996
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0xbf5ff950
        start_of_query = 139619544
#20 0x08136b46 in do_command(THD*) (thd=0x8526cd8) at sql_parse.cc:1049
        packet = 0x8527a08 "#"
        old_timeout = 30
        packet_length = 60
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        net = (st_net *) 0x8526ce4
        command = COM_QUERY
        _db_func_ = 0x811b77b "\203Ä\020\213]ü\211ì]Ã\220U\211åS\203ì\020\213]\bSè<"
        _db_file_ = 0x85276dc "xÃR\b"
        _db_level_ = 4096
        _db_framep_ = (char **) 0x1000
#21 0x081361e5 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x0) at sql_parse.cc:838
        error = 1074043584
        net = (st_net *) 0x8526ce4
        thd = (THD *) 0x8526cd8
        launch_time = 0
        set = {__val = {0 <repeats 32 times>}}
#22 0x4003b1b0 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#23 0x4003b22f in pthread_start_thread_event () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
[9 Apr 2003 7:53] MySQL Verification Team
I can't repeat it.

[/mnt/work/mysql-4.1]$ mysql telcent -e "DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM mails GROUP BY  file) mails"
| id | select_type | table      | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL   | NULL          | NULL    |    NULL | NULL |    6 |                                              |
|  2 | DERIVED     | mails      | index | NULL          | msg_nro |       3 | NULL |    7 | Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
[/mnt/work/mysql-4.1]$ mysql telcent -e "DESCRIBE mails"
| Field     | Type                              | Collation         | Null | Key | Default             | Extra          |
| msg_nro   | mediumint(8) unsigned             | binary            |      | MUL | NULL                | auto_increment |
| date      | datetime                          | latin1_swedish_ci |      | PRI | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                |
| time_zone | varchar(6) character set latin1   | latin1_swedish_ci |      | PRI |                     |                |
| mail_from | varchar(120) character set latin1 | latin1_swedish_ci |      | PRI |                     |                |
| reply     | varchar(120) character set latin1 | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| mail_to   | text character set latin1         | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| cc        | text character set latin1         | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| sbj       | varchar(200) character set latin1 | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
| txt       | mediumtext character set latin1   | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |                |
| file      | varchar(32) character set latin1  | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |                |
| hash      | int(11)                           | binary            |      | PRI | 0                   |                |
[15 May 2003 8:30] Michael Widenius
I reopend this bug as Miguel was able to repeat this.
[2 Jun 2003 10:15] MySQL Verification Team
I tried with a latest 4.1.1 from BK tree and had no problem. 

[/mnt/work/mysql-4.1]$ mysql telcent -e "DESCRIBE nazivi"                                                 
| Field | Type            | Collation         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| BROJ  | int(4) unsigned | NULL              |      | PRI | 0       |       |
| naziv | char(25)        | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
[/mnt/work/mysql-4.1]$ mysql telcent -e "DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM nazivi GROUP BY naziv) bar"
| id | select_type | table      | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL  | NULL          | NULL |    NULL | NULL |   10 |                                 |
|  2 | DERIVED     | nazivi     | ALL  | NULL          | NULL |    NULL | NULL |   11 | Using temporary; Using filesort |

This is probably some bug fixed long time ago .....
[13 Jun 2003 14:07] Sergei Golubchik
Fixed in 4.1.1