Bug #24872 Annoying log message in XA operations
Submitted: 7 Dec 2006 2:23 Modified: 1 Mar 2007 4:29
Reporter: Yuan WANG Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.4 OS:Linux (linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Dec 2006 2:23] Yuan WANG
When doing XA operations, the driver print the following message which is quite annoying.

Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA START 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x30,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA START 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x31,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA END 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x30,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA END 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x31,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA PREPARE 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x30,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA PREPARE 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x31,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA COMMIT 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x30,0x9913
Thu Dec 07 10:21:07 CST 2006 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA COMMIT 0x3231313933343239303631333338313133,0x31,0x9913

How to repeat:
Do some XA operations.
[26 Jan 2007 18:46] Bernd Ruecker
Is this solved? I have the same problem and don't know how to configure the mysql driver logging....

in JBoss it looks like that:

19:45:41,156 ERROR [STDERR] Fri Jan 26 19:45:41 CET 2007 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA COMMIT 0x63612d6e622d62722f3339333033,0x31,0x101 ONE PHASE
19:45:41,156 ERROR [STDERR] Fri Jan 26 19:45:41 CET 2007 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA START 0x63612d6e622d62722f3339333034,0x31,0x101
19:45:41,156 ERROR [STDERR] Fri Jan 26 19:45:41 CET 2007 DEBUG: Executing XA statement: XA END 0x63612d6e622d62722f3339333034,0x31,0x101
[29 Jan 2007 9:39] Tonci Grgin
Hi and thanks for your report. Are you, by any chance, using debug build of driver (mysql-connector-java-[version]-bin-g.jar.)? If so, you should know that you should not use it unless instructed to do so when reporting a problem or bug to MySQL AB, as it is not designed to be run in production environments, and will have adverse performance impact when used.
[29 Jan 2007 9:51] Bernd Ruecker
Nope, I currently use "mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar"
[29 Jan 2007 11:55] Tonci Grgin
Hi. Can any of you post a complete test case exhibiting this behavior and other data needed to correctly reproduce environment?
[1 Mar 2007 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[1 Mar 2007 4:29] Mark Matthews
This is actually fixed for 5.0.5 (see the changelog for details on how to enable the logging if you need it).