Bug #24437 Poor GUI text choices when deleting columns from tables
Submitted: 20 Nov 2006 6:32 Modified: 20 Nov 2006 9:57
Reporter: Nicholas Sherlock Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:1.2.5 rc OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: GUI Administrator Column Delete Table

[20 Nov 2006 6:32] Nicholas Sherlock
The right-click context menu when deleting columns from a table in MySQL Administrator is poorly designed.

The context-menu option "Delete table columns" appears even when no column is selected, clicking it does nothing.

The text reads "Delete table columns", even if only one column is selected - this is confusing as it suggests that MySQL Administrator will delete every table column.

How to repeat:
Right click on a column in the table editor.

Suggested fix:
Change it so that the context menu does not appear if you right-click when no column is selected, or make this option appear disabled.

Change the wording of the context menu to "Delete selected table column" when one column is selected, and "Delete selected table columns" when more than one column is selected.
[20 Nov 2006 9:51] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the reasonable feature request.
[13 Mar 2014 13:35] Omer Barnir
This bug is not scheduled to be fixed at this time.