Bug #2442 mysql table get corrupted
Submitted: 19 Jan 2004 4:07 Modified: 22 Jan 2004 11:14
Reporter: Eduardo Egues Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF ) Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.1-alpha OS:Linux (RH 9)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Jan 2004 4:07] Eduardo Egues
This follows to bug #1439. http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=1439
We have some UDFs that are called several times per second (50-70 times/s), it was working fine until we made an hardware upgrade from a server with a single CPU to a Dual CPU server Dell 2650 and now insertions into DB fails several and random time and we get same message and behavior than bug #1439 ..."#1128 - Function '@yŒ	' is not defined"....
Solution to this bug is urgent. Any sugestion?  

How to repeat:
If you increase UDFs use you will get this error
[22 Jan 2004 11:14] MySQL Verification Team
I have tested it with latest 4.1.2 on a dual PIII Linux.

I ran metaphon UDF in several  threads for 30 minutes without any problems,
executing thereby that UDF for more then 100.000 times without any problem.

This can be a consequence of the bad build.