Bug #24257 Better error reporting needed when apache port cannot be bound
Submitted: 13 Nov 2006 12:36 Modified: 15 Nov 2006 19:32
Reporter: Konstantin Dynda Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.7.34 OS:Linux (Suse Linux 9.3)
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Nov 2006 12:36] Konstantin Dynda
When MySQL Network Enterprise Service Manager installation run as a usual user (non-root) and Apache bind port is chosen less than 1024 installer shows an error "Unable to the given port number Please select another one" To install successfully better error reporting needed in this case.

How to repeat:
- Run MySQL Network Enterprise Service Manager installer on Linux machine as usual user (non root)
- When asked for Apache Server Port enter value less that 1024 (fo instance leave default value of 80)
- Press "Forward"
- You will see error message "Unable to the given port number Please select another one"

Suggested fix:
Error message should at least say something like "If you are running installer as a usual user please choose port number greater than 1024"
[13 Nov 2006 19:39] Gary Whizin
Time permitting. If you're non-root user on linux, should add:

(Note: a non-root user can only specify a port greater then 1024)
[13 Nov 2006 19:39] Gary Whizin
Oops: (Note: a non-root users can only specify a port greater than 1024)
[15 Nov 2006 19:32] Punita Srivastava
Now you get a warning (build 7.39) saying:
Warning: Unable to bind to the given port number: only root can bind to port
numbers below 1024. Please select a different port.
Closing bug.