Bug #24107 event closure concurrency - no indication closure failed
Submitted: 8 Nov 2006 23:12 Modified: 17 Jul 2009 10:15
Reporter: Joshua Ganderson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.0 OS:Any (all)
Assigned to: Darren Oldag CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mer concurrency, mer101

[8 Nov 2006 23:12] Joshua Ganderson
The UI allows you to "close" an already closed event.

Recommend deferring to post 1.0.

How to repeat:
Open two instances of the events page.
One one view, close an event with notes and note the time.
In the other view, close the same event with different notes and note the current time.
Note that the closure appeared successful.
Open the resolution notes.
Note that the notes and time are from the first closure.

Suggested fix:
Given the complications with batch closures and the expense of checking the state of each event to show the popup, recommending that the server throw an error when attempting to close an already closed event. I will handle this in the UI by doing the typical page update for a closed event and indicate that the event was previously closed.
[17 Nov 2006 1:34] Joshua Ganderson
Assigning to Sloan to evaluate proposal and reassign as necessary.
[7 Jul 2009 15:36] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Eric Herman writes: 
When the user clicks close a second time, the close tab is hidden in the pop-up, yet the UI still allows you to enter close notes and click the close button. Instead, the pop-up should bring the user to the "Resolution" tab (not the hidden tab), and then the user will have a consistent user experience.

This needs some java-script detail work.
[7 Jul 2009 22:27] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Darren Oldag writes: 
the backend was fixed to not refetch the 'latest open' alarm from a schedule and close that, thus correctly throwing an exception on a double-close.

the UI was updated to show the proper tab for whatever the current state of the alarm is -- always show 'resolution' if it is closed (thus not even giving the option to close it again), or showing the Close tab if it is currently open.

this was done for both the Events page and the Monitor/dashboard page.
[8 Jul 2009 23:21] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Keith Russell writes: 
Patch applied in versions =>
[15 Jul 2009 23:20] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Bill Weber writes: 
verified closing the second instance brings up the pop-up with the Resolution tab and the close notes from the first instance close with build
[17 Jul 2009 10:15] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.1.0 changelog:

In the Enterprise Dashboard, the user interface allowed you to close an already closed event. This happened if multiple instances of the Events tab were created. It was possible to close an event with resolution notes in one instance, and then close the same event again with a different set of resolution notes in the other instance. However, on review, the resolution notes and event closure time stamp recorded, were those of the first closure.