Bug #23919 Incomplete error message when scheduling rule with unsupported DC item
Submitted: 3 Nov 2006 7:14 Modified: 22 Feb 2007 21:21
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.7.20 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Eric Herman CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Nov 2006 7:14] Andy Bang
When you schedule a rule that uses a DC item the agent/server doesn't support, the error message reported is not complete.

How to repeat:
1) Schedule all the Administration and Performance rules against a 4.1 server.  In particular, schedule "XA Distributed Transaction Support Enabled For InnoDB" or "InnoDB Buffer Cache Has Sub-Optimal Hit Rate" against a 4.1 server.
2) You'll see an error dialog that says "The server 'xxx' does not support 'yyy'", where 'yyy' is a DC item, not a rule title.

This isn't very helpful. What rule triggered this message?

Suggested fix:
Show the rule that triggered the error.
[3 Nov 2006 7:15] Andy Bang
Might be a server-side issue rather than a GUI-side issue, but I'm assigning to Josh initially because he'll figure that out. :)
[3 Nov 2006 17:01] Joshua Ganderson
This message format is server side - I recall suggesting that the rule name be part of this message but I don't believe a bug was created out of it.

While I could append the rule name to the message from the server, there is no guarantee that the message will be in an appropriate format to make this a reasonable sentence/message.

This should be assigned to someone on the server team.