Bug #23914 Agent - linux startup script does not work from path replacement (br 1865)
Submitted: 3 Nov 2006 4:19 Modified: 8 Nov 2006 20:07
Reporter: Gary Whizin Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.7.20 - 0.7.25 OS:Linux (linux)
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Nov 2006 4:19] Gary Whizin
Apparent packaging problem on our end?

Agent startup script path is not update after installation:

 # /opt/mysql/network/agent/etc/init.d/mysql-service-agent start
/usr/bin/mysql-service-agent does not exist                [FAILED]

# Check for missing binaries (stale symlinks should not happen)
# Note: Special treatment of stop for LSB conformance

How to repeat:
see above
[3 Nov 2006 6:18] Gary Whizin
Still fails with 0.7.20a:

$ /opt/mysql/network/agent/etc/init.d/mysql-service-agent start
/usr/bin/mysql-service-agent does not exist or is not execu[FAILED]
/etc/mysql-service-agent.ini does not exist or is not reada[FAILED]
[3 Nov 2006 7:59] Carsten Segieth
it looks that 'only' the path replacement has been 'disabled' after 0.7.18 (where I could use the script).

work around:

edit the script and change the pathes in lines ~ 39+40 to the used installation pathes. Change from


e.g. to:

[3 Nov 2006 8:08] Carsten Segieth
just seen: it looks that the startup script is not the last version which I reviewed with Jan (which has a timestamp Nov 01 in). But there were no changes around the pathes where the replacement now fails.
[3 Nov 2006 13:49] Keith Russell
There are 2 issues here.

1) The incorrect mysql-service-agent is in the svn repository.
2) Bitrock changed a substitution pattern.  Bitrock has been notified.
[5 Nov 2006 13:28] Carsten Segieth
after installing as a 'simple' user to a non-standard path the script works with 0.7.22:

csegieth@qa-ia64-a:~/mysql/network>agent/0.7.22/rhas3-ia64/qa-ia64-a/etc/init.d/mysql-service-agent stop /users/csegieth/mysql/network/agent/0.7.22/rhas3-ia64/
Shutting down MySQL Network agent service...               [  OK  ]
csegieth@qa-ia64-a:~/mysql/network>agent/0.7.22/rhas3-ia64/qa-ia64-a/etc/init.d/mysql-service-agent restart /users/csegieth/mysql/network/agent/0.7.22/rhas3-ia
MySQL Network agent PID file could not be found!           [FAILED]
Starting MySQL Network agent service...                    [  OK  ]

Further checks with a root install will follow ...
[5 Nov 2006 13:30] Carsten Segieth
script still shows 'old' timestamp, so the latest fix after the review is missing.

#     last changed:     2006-10-31 22.42
[6 Nov 2006 10:12] Carsten Segieth
problem still present with 0.7.24, tested on 'qa-ia64-a' (RHEL3_IA64)
[6 Nov 2006 20:12] Keith Russell
Resolved in ver => 7.25
[6 Nov 2006 20:32] Carsten Segieth
- script now works (with 0.7.25), the path replacement looks OK.
- but the 2nd patch was not part of the build, the script still contains the 3 lines with the invalid char at the beginning (and the old timestamp).
[8 Nov 2006 20:07] Carsten Segieth
closed as with 0.7.27 also the small path is part of the build.