Bug #23903 Server- duplicate "and" in instructions (br 1872)
Submitted: 2 Nov 2006 17:20 Modified: 14 Nov 2006 15:26
Reporter: Peter Lavin Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.7.18 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: duplicate and

[2 Nov 2006 17:20] Peter Lavin
When specifying the location of the config report the following is shown:

The settings you specified will be saved here:


Print the configuration report and *and* use the settings to install and configure 

your agent(s); then store the report in a secure location. IMPORTANT: there is 

no password recovery feature. You will not be able to access this application 

without the credentials you just defined.

"and" is duplicated.

How to repeat:
Run the installer and look at the settings.

Suggested fix:
Remove duplicate "and".
[6 Nov 2006 18:55] Keith Russell
Reported by Bitrock as corrected in ver => 7.25
[14 Nov 2006 15:26] Carsten Segieth
OK in 0.7.34:


The settings you specified will be saved here:

Print the configuration report and use these settings to install and configure
your agent(s); then store the report in a secure location. IMPORTANT: there is
no password recovery feature. You will not be able to access this application
without the credentials you just defined.