Bug #23868 agent inst - invalid IP address accepted (br 1858)
Submitted: 2 Nov 2006 0:10 Modified: 14 Nov 2006 0:18
Reporter: Peter Lavin Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.7.18 OS:Windows (Windows, Linux)
Assigned to: BitRock Merlin CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: IP address, validate

[2 Nov 2006 0:10] Peter Lavin
On the agent install screen that asks for the MySQL hostname or IP address you have the option of validating this address. If you check the "Yes" radio button and enter an invalid IP address for the MySQL server there is no error or warning.

How to repeat:
See above.

Suggested fix:
Validate that there is a server at the IP address specified.
[3 Nov 2006 15:48] Keith Russell
Reported as resolved by Bitpock in ver => 7.20
[6 Nov 2006 18:32] Keith Russell
Reported by Bitrock as corrected in ver => 7.24
[6 Nov 2006 20:20] Peter Lavin
Still an issue on Windows in 0.7.25.
[13 Nov 2006 23:33] Punita Srivastava
This is still an issue. The installer now rejects invalid ipaddress until you 'trick' it. If you enter a valid ip address in the reverse pattern, it is accepted. Are we really pinging when we click on verify ipadress=Y?
This is build 7.35
MySQL hostname or IP address []:

Validate MySQL hostname or IP address [Y/n]: y

Enter the port number of the MySQL server this agent will monitor.

MySQL port on [3306]:
[14 Nov 2006 0:18] BitRock Merlin is a valid IP address. The fact that an IP address belongs to a reserved block (like or does not respond to pings, does not mean it is invalid.