Bug #23700 MacOS X package structures not matching default build structure of ./configure
Submitted: 27 Oct 2006 0:06 Modified: 17 Aug 2017 8:20
Reporter: Andreas Fink Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.26 OS:MacOS (MacOS X 10.4.8)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Oct 2006 0:06] Andreas Fink
The MacOS X packages built and put on MySQL website should match in their structure the ones built from source. Having /usr/local/mysql being a symlink to a version directory is ok in my eyes but then having

/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql/   in one case
in the other makes it hard to develop software with either version (think of open source developers giving their stuff out with ./configure scripts, breaking all the time because they get lost where those header files finally are). Even worse with libraries.

How to repeat:
install pkg form website 


build form source with

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Suggested fix:
make it the same.
[17 Aug 2017 8:20] Yngve Svendsen
Thanks for the report, and our apologies for not driving this to closure a long time ago. Closing now, since this is for an obsolete version of MySQL on an obsolete platform. Furthermore, Mac OS packaging/build was rearchitected several times since this was reported.