Bug #2353 Display complete text of long error messages.
Submitted: 12 Jan 2004 8:16 Modified: 1 Jun 2004 0:34
Reporter: Avetik Topchyan Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jan 2004 8:16] Avetik Topchyan
When MySQL engine returns a (normal) error message it shows it's redundant portion like so:

   [localhost] ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax t...

truncating the most essential portion of the error:

   o use near 'AND (Left(OPTIONS.NAME,3) = Left(ANSWERS.VALUE,3))' at line 7

So user must Copy the whole text, open an external editor and paste it there in order to read it. This is annoying.

How to repeat:
Just run any SQL with a syntax error in it.

Suggested fix:
It would be nice if click on the message would pop-up a smaller window with the message. 

(A jumping and blinking cursor pointer to the part of SQL where error originated would be a terrific feature).
[12 Jan 2004 8:37] MySQL Verification Team
Verify with 0.9.4-beta.
[16 May 2004 23:47] Avetik Topchyan
It is plain annoying, so I would upgrade severity and priority...
[1 Jun 2004 0:34] Jorge del Conde

MySQLCC has been discontinued and will not be developed nor maintained anymore with the exception of Critical bugs.

In the near future we will release the substitute of MySQLCC called MySQL Query Browser.