Bug #23296 The browser quits when I click on any schema to see what its tables are.
Submitted: 14 Oct 2006 19:15 Modified: 21 Dec 2006 14:29
Reporter: Richard Wittwer Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.4 Beta OS:MacOS (Mac OS X Version 10.3.9)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Oct 2006 19:15] Richard Wittwer
I started the browser by usin the icon.

I entered "localhost" "root" and no password.

The browser came up and I can create a schema, table and  do selects.

When I click on a schema  down arrow to see the drop down list of its tables the browser window closes
with and unexpected quit  message from the Mac.

I am using a Mac Mini

How to repeat:
do what I did above
[24 Oct 2006 21:05] Chris Pearson
I am having the same problem. I installed the standard package on my Blue and White G3 running Mac OS X 10.3.9 with 448 MB of RAM.
I installed from the image file named 'mysql-standard-5.0.26-osx10.3-powerpc.dmg' I got MySQL running and I followed the tutorial in the manual. I created the menagerie schema using 'MySQL Administrator v1.2.3rc' (which came with 'MySQL Query Browser' v1.2.4 beta). I then added the example data using the command line tools as outlined in the tutorial.

Then, I launched 'MySQL Query Browser' and logged in with no default schema. (not using root, using the same user that I used to create and manipulate the schema, although the same thing happens when I use 'root' to log in.)

Everything seems fine and I can see all the schema in the drawer. If I click on the arrow of one (doesn't matter which one) the tables will display and after just a second or two, the application crashes.

I'll attach a file that is a dump that occured when I clicked the arrow next to "MySQL".
[21 Nov 2006 14:29] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, try to repeat with a newer version, 1.2.5 rc, and inform about the results.
[22 Dec 2006 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
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